reet.lernraum +

EN face-to-face : International Project Management. Performance-Based and Relationship-Oriented

For what reason should you participate?

  • You are familiar with any project management tools – but still facing (invisible) limitations within your international project team.
  • Resistance is noticeable or increasing, but you are not getting beyond lip services within your team.
  • What has to be done is clear to everybody – bundling the forces and developing a powerful team is however failing.

How we approach the issue:

  • Pragmatic and practicable: imparted techniques and approaches are applied on the cases brought in by the participants.
  • Participation is restricted to experienced (project) managers (6-8 persons).
  • A confidential setting is guaranteed by all participants.

What is your benefit?

  • You will receive valuable suggestions with regard to the development of your personal leadership style.
  • You will have the opportunity to apply your findings in a confidential setting.
  • You will considerably expand your business network.

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Beginn: 10:00 am
Wo: Rhein-Main-Area

Preis (netto)
on request

Hiermit melde ich mich verbindlich für folgendes Seminar an:

EN face-to-face : International Project Management. Performance-Based and Relationship-Oriented

 other data available

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